{Spring Wardrobe Staples from Chicwish
Who else is jonesing for some warm weather? Austin is finally in the upper 60s and I am so excited to start layering with some of my new Spring pieces. I don’t know about y’all…
View PostWho else is jonesing for some warm weather? Austin is finally in the upper 60s and I am so excited to start layering with some of my new Spring pieces. I don’t know about y’all…
View PostWho else is overjoyed it is Friday?? I wish I could say my weekend will be relaxing but I am about to start prepping on another big commercial that is shooting in San Antonio next…
View PostHappy First week of November!! I can’t believe Christmas is less than 2 months away yet it is still in the upper 80s in Austin. Where is our cooler weather?? We got chilly weather for…
View PostAs I’m sitting down to write this post, I’m attempting to watch Sex & the City 2 and plan out my Friday lunch date but just remembered the temps are going to be in the…
View PostSponsored by Zappos. Can I just start out by saying how excited I am that it is FINALLY feeling like Fall in Austin?? I mean for Texas, that is completely unheard of in October! I’m mainly…
View PostY’all ever get that feeling when you order what seems like 1 million sweaters online and the next day you wonder if they have anything new so your back online shopping hoping to find something…
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