If you’re anything like me, you will see a photo and wonder, where can I get that?? In the past, I would normally read through comments or stalk someone’s blog until I could find out where exactly that item came from, which wasted quite a bit of my Instagramming time! THANKFULLY, I don’t have to do that anymore and neither do you. LiketoKNOWit is a new, FREE subscription program that works with Instagram and sends you emails featuring the products from the images you have just liked. It is beyond easy and so convenient.
These bloggers are doubling as your personal shoppers. We have found the item for you, all you have to do is like our photo and do a little shopping! Easy as that!
If you still have any questions after looking over this How To, please leave a comment and I will answer your questions the best I can!
Here’s how it works: