Hello, fall!! I can’t believe I’m even saying that when it’s still 90+ degrees in Texas but that doesn’t stop me from incorporating fall into every aspect of my life these days! You all know what I’m talking about… September doesn’t only bring us cooler weather, it brings us everything Pumpkin Spice!! GREENIES just came out with their Pumpkin Spice Flavored Limited Edition Treats and you won’t believe the reason they came out with these. Dogs are family and stick by their owners through everything. We all smother our dogs with love, lots of annoying kisses, pictures and selfies but no matter what, they still love us back. Seriously, melts my heart because it is all so true!! Our dogs deserve the absolute best and GREENIES Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Flavored Dental Treats do just that. You know we stocked up on bags and bags of these babies for fall and winter!! Now we can even celebrate Pumpkin Spice season together.
GREENIES has been a household favorite of ours for years, in large part because of their ingredients. Some of y’all were following me a few years ago when my Instagram had absolutely nothing to do with fashion and might remember exactly three years ago when Steven got REALLY sick. He was diagnosed with liver disease and was rushed into surgery. The past three years have definitely been interesting; trying to cope with him being on daily medication but the biggest was his diet changing. Steven is allergic to almost everything and is on a specific diet which means he isn’t allowed to eat a lot of the food and treats out there. Thankfully, my best friend is our vet and she suggested giving him GREENIES if we still wanted to give him treats every once in a while. If you didn’t know, their treats are formulated with natural ingredients that are highly digestible.
Steven is now on a hypoallergenic wet food diet his breath is SO BAD. Y’all, it’s like nauseatingly bad. With that change we weren’t able to put him under to get his teeth cleaned any longer OR give him a lot of the dental treats he was used to eating so we went back to giving him GREENIES. They have made his breath smell so fresh and clean I don’t want to barf if he licks my face! haha 🙂 Poor Steven!! All of GREENIES dental treats are vet recommended for cleaning a dog’s teeth by fighting both plaque and tartar buildup, as well as freshening breath.
GREENIES Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Flavored Dental Treats are available in September while supplies last at Pet Specialty stores like Chewy.com. They’re also offered in a 12 oz size and have a retail price of $17.99. These treats come in all different sizes because all dogs were not created equal!!
I know I am always posting pictures and videos of Steven all over my social media, but now I want to see y’all’s little furry friends everywhere! Post a picture of your pup showing their adorable personality and use #GreeniesPUPkinSpice to enter for a chance to win a bag of those delicious treats I was talking about. I can’t wait to see what you guys all come up with, make me proud! To enter follow the instructions below!
Pumpkin spiced yumminess for doggies!? I love it!! Such a cute post for such a cute pup
Omg, I heard of these! I think my dog will love these! Pumpkin spice for dogs is genius! LOL
xo, Patty
My dogs always loved Greenies! Cute to get festive with pumpkin for dogs! 🙂
Lindsey | http://www.seamlesssea.com
That’s so cute that dogs can get on the pumpkin trend!
So fun! I need to get some for my sister’s doggy.
YES! Pumpkin spice flavored everything!
Becks and Ripken are excited to try these!
Steven tasks after his momma – loves Fall and Pumpkin Spice
Is he doing better? Our pup Boo and I send some extra love to ya 🙂 I’ve given our pup Greenies before, I may have to try these out.
Your dog is so cute! The perfect treat for fall!!
Awe…I can’t even! These pictures are so cute! Totally need to get my pup some of these too.
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
How fun is it that now the pups can join the pumpkin craze!
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
Ok, I want to get these for Charlie!!! Steven is so cuteeee
This is so awesome! My puppy Reece would sure love a treat like this!
Aw he is so cute! My family dog love Greenies too!! He goes nuts when he sees it haha.
OMG, too cute!
I love greenies! So perfect for my doggo. Had no idea they had flavors! That’s so awesome haha
I am so glad that Steven can eat the Greenies to combat his bad breath! Greenies have always been a favorite of mine for any dog we’ve had!
How cool is this?? I love pumpkin ANYTHING, so it’ll be nice to share with my furry friend too!
This is so cool! I wish I had a dog because I would totally get these for them!
Your pup seems to love his new treats! Pumpkin spice everything since it’s fall!
April | http://www.thebluehydrangeas.com
Awe how fun! My dogs totally need this!
This sounds like the perfect dog treat for fall!
Wow, they do pumpkin spice flavoured everything! I’m glad your little furry friend is happy 🙂
Ooh I think I need these to spoil my puppy!! Love this!
Aw so stinking cute!
I don’t have a pup but if I did, I’d definitely get him some of these! So cute!
Jamaria | http://www.throughjamseyes.com
my parent’s dog goes NUTS for greenies!
Birdie Shoots
HA omg this is so awesome! Need to get these for my moms dog!!